Contact Me
Google map showing the following address:
6500 Main St, Houston,TX77030
Quanbing Mou, Ph. D.
Department of Chemistry
Rice University
Address: 6500 Main Street
Houston, TX 77030
Office: BioScience Research Collaborative 317
Phone: (512) 422-6054
We are looking for self-motivated people to join us.
Postdoctoral Fellows
For interested candidates, please send your CV, including a full publication list, and a cover letter to Dr. Mou.
Graduate students
Students with backgrounds in Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Bioengineering, and related fields are highly encouraged to contact Dr. Mou directly.
Undergraduate students
We welcome undergraduate students interested in exploring chemistry-related research to join our lab.
6500 Main Street, Houston, TX 77030